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Defensoría Universitaria

University Ombud


he University Ombud is the figure entrusted with defending the rights of all members of the university community( students, teaching staff and administrative  and services staff) and  ensuring that what is set out in the University of Castilla-La Mancha Statutes is complied with. It receives complaints and makes suggestions, and can also take on the role of mediator. All its activity is aimed at improving university quality.

It is a body of mandatory creation, in accordance with the Additional Disposition 14ª of the Organic Law 6/2001 of the 21st of December, of Universities whose regulation reflects article 120 of the University of  Castilla-La Mancha Statutes. Its operational and organizational system  is shown in the  University  Ombudsman Regulation, approved by the Board of Governors on the 24th of May of 2004 (DOCM 11th of June 2004 and BO-UCLM nº 71 of June 2004).

The ombudsman is chosen by the University Senate, by absolute majority, and before it presents its Annual Report. The term of the mandate will be 4 years, and re-election is possible twice more. It is not subject to directives nor imperative mandate although it does not have executive powers either: it makes recommendations and suggestions guided by the principle of equality or natural justice.